True Grit: The Surprising, and Inspiring, Science of Success

The importance of perseverance Angela Duckworth's work suggests that perseverance is a predictor of success. During her graduate student days she created a "grit scale" which she subsequently tested throughout her career. She characterized "grit" as working hard and finishing what one begins and gives the example of Will Smith explaining in an interview that … Continue reading True Grit: The Surprising, and Inspiring, Science of Success

Instructional Scaffolding in the Pre-Brief

students walked into the sim lab like wide-eyed deer in the headlights their performance pretty much mirrored that analogy did they learn anything just by being scared? pre-briefs are defined as short sessions before the simulation set expectations and roles (take this thing seriously) familiarize students with equipment and debrief procedures but teaching doesn't usually … Continue reading Instructional Scaffolding in the Pre-Brief